Module-level declarations


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struct emote_dto
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entity game_asset
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struct plot
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val AMOUNT: text = "amount"
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val CURSOR: page_cursor = null
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val ID: text = "id"
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val name_attr: text = ""
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val PAGE_LIMIT: integer = 10000


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function _burn_asset(asset_instance: instance, original_id: byte_array, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array)
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function _unsafe_delete_account(account: account)
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function asset_id(name: text): byte_array
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function calculate_tokens(account: account): integer
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function charge_ft3_asset(name: text, amount: integer, account: account)
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function charge_fungible_item(name: text, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array)
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function charge_original(name: text, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array)
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function create_fungible_item(interface_name: text, item: original_minting_asset, amount: integer): instance
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function deduct_balance(account: account, amount: integer, token_name: text)
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function delete_asset(account: account, instance: instance)
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function ensure_balance(account: account, name: text): balance
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function ensure_game_assets(account: account)
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function find_all_instances_and_amounts(account_id: byte_array, interface: dclass, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<(instance: instance, amount: integer)>
function find_all_instances_and_amounts_multi_interfaces(account_id: byte_array, interfaces_map: map<dclass, text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): map<text, list<(instance: instance, amount: integer)>>
function find_all_instances_and_amounts_with_special_account(account_id: byte_array, interface: dclass, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<(instance: instance, amount: integer)>
function find_all_instances_from_owner_with_interface(account_id: byte_array, interface: dclass, _limit: integer, _offset: integer): list<instance>
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function find_all_users_and_owned_originals(interface: dclass, cursor: page_cursor, exclude_collateral_and_fees: boolean): (data: list<(account: byte_array, rowid: rowid, instance: instance, amount: integer)>, max_rowid_covered: rowid)
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function find_fungible_original_id_if_exists(account_id: byte_array, prototype_name: text): byte_array?
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function get_alice_balance(account: account): balance?
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function get_all_emotes(account_id: byte_array): list<emote_dto>
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function get_all_prototypes_for_interface(interface: text): list<(name: text, instance: instance)>
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function get_assets_by_name(names: set<text>): list<(id: byte_array, name: text, issuing_chain_rid: byte_array)>
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function get_attribute_name(name: text): I
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function get_avatar(account_id: byte_array): map<text, integer>
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function get_balance(account: account, name: text): balance?
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function get_bjorn_balance(account: account): balance
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function get_equippables(account_id: byte_array): list<map<text, gtv>>
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function get_fungible_item_balance(name: text, account_id: byte_array): balance?
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function get_total_balance(account_id: byte_array, prototype: text): integer
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function handle_interface_not_supported(interface_name: text): null
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function init_alice_token()
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function init_asset_interface(account: account)
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function init_asset_interfaces(account: account)
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function init_avatar_interfaces(account: account)
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function init_tools_interfaces(account: account)
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function list_all(): (FT3: list<(name: text,)>, Originals: list<(name: text, interface: text)>)
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function list_all_by_player(account_id: byte_array): (FT3: list<list_item_dto>, Originals: list<list_item_dto>)
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function lock_asset_without_history(account: account, original_id: byte_array, reason: text)
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function lock_equippable(account: account, original_id: byte_array)
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function mint_all_standard_interfaces(account: account, username: text)
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function mint_avatar_original(eyes: integer, eyebrows: integer, mouth: integer, skin_color: integer, hair_color: integer, eye_color: integer, account_id: byte_array): instance
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function mint_fungible_item(account: account, fungible_id: byte_array, amount: integer): instance
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function mint_non_fungible_item(interface_name: text, item: original_minting_asset, amount: integer): instance
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function new_plot(plot: plot, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array)
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function owns_original(account_id: byte_array, asset_id: byte_array): boolean
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function pay_to_alice(amount: integer, account: account, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array, token_name: text, alice_account_id: byte_array)
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function prototype_exists(name: text): boolean
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function prototype_exists_for_interface(name: text, interface: text): boolean
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function prototype_exists_for_interfaces(name: text, interfaces: list<text>): boolean
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function prototype_registration_allowed(name: text, interface: text): boolean
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function query_balances(name: text, account_id: byte_array, special_account_ids: list<byte_array>): list<balance>
function require_original_with_special_account_transferrable(account: account, original: instance, account_list: list<byte_array>, special_account_type: text, quantity: integer): integer
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function reward_animal_item(name: text, amount: integer, player: player): instance?
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function reward_asset(item_id: text, type: text, amount: integer, account: account)
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function reward_bjorn(amount: integer, account: account)
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function reward_breakable_tool(item_id: text, amount: integer, account: account): instance
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function reward_erc721_item(interface_name: text, name: text, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array, token_id: integer): instance?
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function reward_erc721_original_asset(item_id: text, interface_name: text, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array, token_id: integer): instance?
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function reward_ft3_asset(name: text, amount: integer, account: account)
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function reward_fungible_item(interface_name: text, name: text, amount: integer, account: account, username: text): instance
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function reward_non_fungible_item(interface_name: text, name: text, amount: integer, account: account, username: text): instance
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function reward_original_asset(item_id: text, interface_name: text, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array): instance?
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function reward_original_asset_for_username(item_id: text, interface_name: text, amount: integer, account: account, username: text): instance?
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function transfer_alice(alice_token_name: text, inputs: list<xfer_input>, outputs: list<xfer_output>, amount: integer, from: account, to: account)
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function transfer_ft3(from: account, to: account, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array, asset: asset, amount: integer)
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function transfer_ft3_excluding_alice(token_name: text, amount: integer, from: account, to: account)
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function transfer_ft3_unsafe(from: account, to: account, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array, asset_name: text, amount: integer)
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function transfer_original(sender: account, instance: instance, receiver: byte_array, amount: integer?)
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function try_equip_many(equippables: list<text>, account_id: byte_array)
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function unequip(equippable_id: byte_array, account_id: byte_array)
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function unlock_asset_without_history(account: account, original_id: byte_array, reason: text)
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function unlock_equippable(account: account, original_id: byte_array)
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function update_avatar_appearance(eyes: integer, eyebrows: integer, mouth: integer, skin_color: integer, hair_color: integer, eye_color: integer, account_id: byte_array)
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function update_equipments(equippables_to_equip: list<byte_array>, account_id: byte_array)
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function verify_owns_all_npcs(account_id: byte_array, names: set<text>)


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@mount("assets.get_alice_bnb") query get_alice_bnb(account_id_hex: text): integer
@mount("assets.get_all_grouped_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q") query get_all_grouped_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<prototype_group>
@mount("assets.get_all_original_instances_with_interface_q") query get_all_original_instances_with_interface_q(interface: text, attribute_names: list<I>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<I, gtv?>>
@mount("assets.get_all_original_prototypes_names_with_interface_q") query get_all_original_prototypes_names_with_interface_q(interface: text): list<text>
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@mount("assets.get_all_original_prototypes_q") query get_all_original_prototypes_q(interface: text, attributes: list<I>): map<text, map<I, gtv?>>
@mount("assets.get_all_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q") query get_all_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<text, gtv?>>
@mount("assets.get_counted_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q") query get_counted_originals_from_owner_with_interface_q(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<text, gtv?>>
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@mount("assets.get_original_prototype_q") query get_original_prototype_q(name: text, attributes: list<I>): map<I, gtv?>
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@mount("assets.get_original_prototypes_q") query get_original_prototypes_q(prototypes_names: set<text>, attributes: list<I>): map<text, map<I, gtv?>>
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@mount("assets.get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount") query get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<text, gtv?>>
@mount("assets.get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount_multi_interfaces") query get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount_multi_interfaces(account_id: byte_array, interface_attr_map: map<text, list<text>>, from: integer, page_size: integer): map<text, list<map<text, gtv?>>>
@mount("assets.get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount_with_special_account") query get_owned_originals_with_id_and_amount_with_special_account(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<text, gtv?>>
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@mount("assets.get_owned_originals_with_name_and_amount") query get_owned_originals_with_name_and_amount(account_id: byte_array, interface: text, attributes: list<text>, from: integer, page_size: integer): list<map<text, gtv?>>
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@mount("assets.get_sorting_scores") query get_sorting_scores(): list<(score: integer, asset_name: text)>


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@mount("assets.add_sorting_scores") operation add_sorting_scores(scores: map<text, integer>)
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@mount("assets.burn_assets") operation burn_assets(assets: list<burn_asset_dto>, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("assets.create_prototype") operation create_prototype(interface_name: text, original_description: text, additional_dependencies: map<I, attribute_type>?, prototype_name: text)
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@mount("assets.create_ug_equippable_model") operation create_ug_equippable_model(url: text, slots: list<text>)
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@mount("assets.initialize") operation initialize()
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@mount("assets.mint_asset_to") operation mint_asset_to(account_id: byte_array, prototype_name: text, count: integer)
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@mount("assets.mint_erc721_asset_to") operation mint_erc721_asset_to(account_id: byte_array, prototype_name: text, token_id: integer, count: integer)
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@mount("assets.register_collateralized_resource") operation register_collateralized_resource(name: text, collateral_amount: integer)
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@mount("assets.register_ft3_asset") operation register_ft3_asset(name: text, hidden_in_inventory: boolean)
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@mount("assets.register_fungible_resource") operation register_fungible_resource(name: text)
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@mount("assets.register_soulbound_item") operation register_soulbound_item(name: text)
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@mount("assets.register_voucher") operation register_voucher(name: text, interface: text)